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Drop Me Near the Fire: Writing the Micro Essay

The micro essay packs a punch in under 1,000 words, and we’ll learn how in this generative class. We’ll go over contemporary micros, discuss the form, and generate seeds of future essays through prompts and exercises.

February 26, 4 – 5:30 p.m. FREE, Registration Required–Space is Limited.

Nicole McCarthy is an experimental writer and artist based outside of Seattle. Her work has appeared in PANKHobartThe OffingRedividerGlass: a Journal of Poetry, a Best American Experimental Writing anthology, and others. Her work has also been performed and encountered as projection installation pieces throughout the Puget Sound and her written work can be found at Her first book, A SUMMONING, will be published summer of 2022 from Heavy Feather Review.

February 21

Creative Colloquy Literary Gatherings on Zoom

March 16

The Writer’s Workshop Series, Unlocking Your Creativity: How Art Journaling and Creative Practice Will Change the Way You Write.