General Rules for All Submissions

  • Format all work using MS Word (doc or docx), 12pt., double spaced serif font (Times New Roman, Courier, Garamond).

  • Title only on the work.

  • Do not put your name or contact info on the work. Instead put your name, contact info and title of the work in the cover letter. This is so we can maintain a blind submission process.

  • A short bio or blog/website links, written in the third person, must be submitted at time of submission in the cover letter. Please also provide your preferred pronouns i.e. she/her/hers or they/them/theirs. If your work is selected, Creative Colloquy will ask for a picture to accompany the work in print.

  • Creative Colloquy accepts submissions from all writers, poets, and essayists throughout Western Washington with a special emphasis on work originating in the South Puget Sound. Please note your location in your cover letter.

  • Only submit one short story, essay, poem or excerpt per month. Excerpts must be from unpublished WIP to be considered.

  • Breaking any of these rules may result in automatic rejection.

By submitting to Creative Colloquy, the author allows for a one-time  publication on our site. All rights to the work remain with the author.  When and if we decide to print a paper version of Creative Colloquy, we  will select pieces from our archives and contact each writer  individually for consent for the one-time reprint of the work in the new  media.

***Submission for our monthly online publication is always open.***

 Recent Submissions