Cyclopean Eldritch by Kristina Corcoran

It is the age of cyclopean eldritch, of dreams vast and grand
Angels and demons spawn and die, and their bodies fertilize the land
From such wondrous turmoil chaotic empires are born
Their sharp spires rise ever higher until sanity’s curtain is torn
And in the sybarite’s palace whores laugh on parquet floors
While in the narcissist’s castle hags brood behind worm eaten doors
Astral caravans with silken sails make eons long trips
And the wine dark sea embraces all of the Motherland’s ships
The jesters burn the royal library, living in a joke
Their idiot grins cleave their face as they inhale the sage smoke
In the arena the mad monarch’s games subdue the restless crowds
As the girl captures faces with her mirror and reflects them onto the clouds
The spy on their cryptic mission, dutiful agent of dread
They peered around a corner, and saw the back of their own head
The clocktower in the abandoned square tolls a solemn hour
And the topaz sun illuminates the weary onyx flowers
Savants are crucified on eternity, born of woman and killed by man
Weeping for galaxies like spiderwebs, impaled on fate’s plan
The constellations are a black lace gown studded with diamonds so bright
They tell of arcane mythologies inspired by divine light
Cascades of revelation fall from the loftiest heights
And in their pools the mystics bathe on tranquil moonlit nights
The visions of the priestess soothe a world woebegone
Arpeggios of reality like auroras at dawn
The oracle regaled the crowd, profound experiences to be had
Like the boy who ate wasp honey and the knowledge gained that drove him mad
Wizards on mountain peaks flick the stars with their fingers
Their alchemy transmutes beauty from strangeness, and the magic forever lingers
Alone I stand on a hilltop, feeling so very much that I sigh
My thoughts are an ancient starship that takes three days to cross the sky
Space and time are the parchment, and my life the lettering oh so fine
My mind is a continent, but all you ever get to see is the shoreline

Kristina Corcoran

Kristina (She/Her) lives in the lovely South Sound town of Sumner. Besides writing poems her passions are: Reading, Music, Movies, and Cooking.


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